Starting from the busy big city, the Zsuzsi Forest Railway runs on a long, almost straight section, then reaches the former Csereerdő station via the Fancsika stop along the main road 48. This section of the trail was built in 1882. The rest of the track was probably built in 1902-3, prior to this the trains ran on a different route. There is also a cycle path along the railway line that leads to the Panorama Road.
At Csereerdő, a siding branched off the light rail, which was used only for freight. Turning south, the rising embankment can still be followed to this day. The mainline turns from Csereerdő into a forest in a large arc to the north, and then here is the largest ascent of the track route.
There is Erdészlak station, which can be used for train meetings if necessary. It lies on two tracks, in a straight line, on a slight slope.
Leaving the station, the railway crosses the Panoráma road, then continues on a curved track between acacias, oaks, pine forests, arable lands, and homesteads.
At Sámsoni út, the remains and tracks of a former loading arch can be seen, followed by ever larger embankments and cuts. The highest embankment and deepest notch of the light railway were built in 1939, when a track correction was made between Haláperdő-Hármashegyalja, shortening the track.
At Hármashegyalja, there was previously a 600 mm gauge loading railway. The station is straight, 2 tracks, horizontal. An earlier continuation of the line that today is an extruded truncated track with a stop at the end. From the terminus, romantic hiking trails lead to the world of the Erdőspuszta, where you can discover the lookout tower and the artificial fishing lake.
The route of the small railway passed past Nyírmártonfalva, then approached Nyíracsád through the heart of Gút and the Gúti forest, then Angyaltelek, Turistaház, then Nyírlugos and finally Nyírbéltek. It also crosses the county border. Its entire length was 48 km.